In GIFTS GAS GENERATION SERIVES we offer BS EN 14470-2:2006 compliant concept to commissioning basis Turnkey installation of Gas Auto changeover Panels, Gas Manifold, Point of Use, Gas Cabinets, Valve Manifold Boxes, Gas Evaporators, Flash back arrestors, Gas sensor based Process Tool Hook - Up's [Integrated Gas management systems].
Pipe / Tube fabrication are done in Stainless Steels, Electro-polished tubing, Co-axial tubing's, Alloy Steels, PVDF, PP, PVC, PE, etc. Tubing & piping are welded by GTAW/TIG orbital welding resulting in identical welding of tubing, coaxial tubes, &Vacuum lines to hold the best fluid purity co-efficient.
Installation of ultra-high purity single-wall and double-wall tubing, vacuum pump fore lines and exhaust lines, WFI and Clean Steam Loops, with QA documentation including all required information for a ISO class clean room validation, Analytical testing of gas lines to assure leak integrity[1 x 10-9 milli Liter He/Sec.] & purity [Moisture Test and Particle count for sensitive applications] Nitrogen / helium and sonic leak detection.
Nitrogen Gas Generations
Nitrogen purging is highly effective for pipeline purges, product displacement, and process pipeline inerting. GIFTS engineers can develop the most effective and efficient purging techniques for any plant or pipeline environment. On-site generation / truck mounted gas generation based services that meet a vast variety of N2 purities, flow rates, temperatures and pressures for Nitrogen purging / displacement (LEL and oxygen freeing) for the removal of unwanted atmospheres by nitrogen purging, including the removal of hydrocarbons, oxygen, and other toxic or reactive gases. This is a vital requisite on applications in Catalyst Reactors, Molecular Sieves, Sulfur Recovery Units, Heat Exchangers, Dehydration Processes, and Oxidation Reaction Systems etc.
Oxygen Gas Generations
On-site Oxygen Gas generation services & Oxygen Gas plants systems ensures the user of oxygen in Oxybleaching and delignification, oxygen furnace enrichment, Water and Wastewatertreatment, Hospitals Medical oxygen applications an uninterrupted supply and controlled purity of Oxygen [with the integrated Oxygen purity analyser, Air compressor, Air Cooling and Dryer Unit, PSA Oxygen Generator, Oxygen Tank & Control Panel] At GIFTS we also extend. Our Services in Gas Generations Systems, Gas Purifiers, Dryers for LN2, Hydrogen, Zero Air, Vacuum etc.
Tags: Analytical and Gas Generations Services , Turnkey installation Services , Turnkey installation, Gas Generations Services, oxygen gas Generations, nitrogen gas Generations
Know Why GIFTS is Leading the Analytical and Gas Services Market?
GIFTS has a strong background in subcritical and supercritical plants, alongside having designed, engineered, and constructed several gas generation plants across the country. We have also provided engineering and construction services for a considerable number of projects in the market.
The vast majority of these projects involve detailed designing, engineering, procurement, and construction services across Saudi Arabia - this includes modifying existing plants and retrofit services. In addition, we’ve also added services like conceptual engineering, owner’s engineering services, and feasibility studies.
Our expertise, professional resources, and extensive knowledge about the technology trends have remained current and in step with the technical progress of the gas generation sector. Our team of experts boasts decades of cumulative expertise; they are also trained on our company norms.
Alongside analytical and gas services, GIFTS also provides gas generation services.
We understand the importance of your commitments and projects, which is why we prioritize you with each step we take. Starting from the design to the installation procedures, we welcome your inputs.
Be it installing new plants, retrofitting, or modifying existing plants, we strictly adhere to the government’s rules and regulations related to it. Despite being upgraded with the latest technologies, we also ensure that the parts and pieces of equipment we use are of the best quality available on the market.
Gas generation services in Saudi Arabia - GIFTS
Our customers are guaranteed to benefit from our commitment towards work, innovation, quality, performance, and our responsive network across the country. We also offer efficient repair and maintenance services.
We believe in the saying, “Time and tide wait for no man,” so we always strive to deliver the project before the estimated time. Given our expertise and workforce, we are incredibly well-positioned to respond to a higher volume of orders at any time of the day. We are also proud to mention that GIFTS is one of the best and most reliable analytical and gas services in Saudi Arabia.